2024秋季入学 & 奖学金面试

音乐系, 剧院, 舞蹈奖超过200美元,每年向学生提供1万英镑的奖学金. 奖学金 are available both to majors and minors at bet36365体育-let us help you schedule an audition and discover our potential!

1月26日:科尔尼 2月16日:科尔尼 2月17日:奥马哈
2月23日:斯科茨布拉夫 2月24日:科尔尼 3月4日:科尔尼


我们建议 应用 在试镜前给bet36365体育. 的 招生办公室 可以指引你.

安排戏剧和舞蹈试镜, please reach out to Darin Himmerich (Director - 剧院 Program) at himmerichdv@yn17car.com.




被音乐系录取, 剧院, 而舞蹈作为音乐专业或辅修专业都需要试镜. 的 audition is in addition to the formal application process for admission to the 内布拉斯加大学 Kearney. 学生应在进行试镜前向bet36365体育申请. 有关大学招生的信息,请联系 admissions@yn17car.com. Candidates who complete a successful audition will be considered for music scholarships. 专业和辅修专业都有很多奖学金.

Auditions for instrumentalists consist of two parts – an individual performance of prepared literature and a short sight-reading example. 声乐家不会即兴朗读. In addition, students will take theory and piano skills diagnostic exams on the day of the audition.

For full consideration, students are strongly encouraged to appear in person to audition. 学生 who are unable to audition in person due to extreme distance may audition via the Web. 在这些情况下,请联系博士. 莎朗·坎贝尔 campbellso@yn17car.com.

For further details, please see the audition requirements and tips.


Dr. 罗伯特·本顿
音乐招聘主席 & 保留委员会

(308) 865-8526

黄铜 -准备两首歌曲或短的音乐会/比赛曲目(一首抒情诗), (技术性的或带有抒情部分和技术性部分的独奏). 

吉他 — Prepare two contrasting pieces using both fingering and strumming techniques.

器官 -准备一首巴赫曲目, 小前奏曲和赋格, 或者从难度相当的曲目中选择一小段, 还有一首赞美诗.

打击乐器 — Prepare two short selections in contrasting styles at Grade 3-4 level on two instruments (mallet keyboard, 定音鼓, 陷阱, multi-percussion, 陷阱集).

钢琴 — Prepare two short selections from repertoire of comparable difficulty to the two-part Inventions of J.S. 本科及以上.

字符串 — Prepare two contrasting pieces at the minimum level of the Vivaldi Violin Concerto in A Minor, Mvt. I, Suzuki Book IV (violin); two contrasting pieces at the minimum level of the Suzuki Book III (viola); two contrasting etudes of solos at the minimum level of Suzuki Book IV (cello); or two contrasting etudes or solos at the minimum level of Suzuki Book III.

的声音 -根据记忆准备两首对比鲜明的歌曲. Examples of appropriate repertoire include: arrangements of folksongs, 英文艺术歌曲, 或古老的意大利歌曲. 选一段百老汇音乐剧也是合适的.

木管乐器 -准备两个动作或选择对比风格.


你在试镜时有三种伴奏选择. 你可以a)带上自己的伴奏, b)使用bet36365体育伴奏, 或者c)用你提供的预先录制好的磁带表演.

如果你打算使用bet36365体育伴奏, 你必须发邮件, 邮件, 或传真一份你的试镜选择副本给Dr. 莎朗·坎贝尔, 音乐项目招生和留校委员会主席, 试镜前两周

Dr. 莎朗·坎贝尔
bet36365体育部门. 音乐、戏剧和舞蹈
第12大道2506号,FAB 221


学生 who do not meet admission requirements may be admitted provisionally. Once students have been accepted into a program they must receive departmental approval to change their applied music area or academic program.

学生 with no previous instruction in music theory or who do not pass the theory placement/assessment exam will be required to enroll in MUS 098, 音乐基础. This course will assist students to prepare for collegiate-level study of music.

学生 with no prior piano instruction or limited skills are encouraged to enroll in a course of piano study prior to enrollment at bet36365体育. 学生 who have no piano or theory background should know that they may need more than four years to complete a music degree.

Your entrance/scholarship audition is the first step to becoming a music major or minor. It is your first opportunity to present your skills and level of preparation to the music faculty. 我们希望你成功! Here are some suggestions to help you prepare a first-rate audition:


选择一个适合你的试镜日期,并填写我们的 奖学金申请. In addition to your performance, you will be assessed in piano and music theory skills for advising. Plan on spending sufficient time on the bet36365体育 campus and Kearney community, 去熟悉它. 与bet36365体育音乐教师见面,或安排旁听一堂课. Make additional appointments to meet with faculty in other programs in which you may be interested, 或者和财务援助部门的代表谈谈, bet36365体育投注, 或者其他大学办公室. 充分利用你的校园时光!


查阅 试镜要求一览表 对于你的主要乐器. Your principal instrument is the performance area with which you MOST closely identify. 虽然你可能在高中时既会唱歌又会演奏乐器, 作为一名表演者,你认为自己真正的优势是什么? 你认为自己是歌手还是乐器演奏家? You may have the opportunity to take lessons in more than one instrument in your program of study at bet36365体育, but your audition and assessment for scholarship will be based on your choice of principal instrument. This will serve as a guide for the literature you should prepare for your audition. 在音乐老师的帮助下, 选择最能展示你的才能和技能的选择.

Prepare your music carefully with the assistance of your private teacher, choral or band director. 经常为家人和朋友表演你的作品. 你想要自信,即使是在压力下.

Review the sample theory worksheet/piano skills sheet included in your audition packet. This will help you to prepare for these placement exams and give you a brief introduction to theory and keyboard skills expected of each entering

Secure a copy of the accompaniment to your solo (instrumentalists) or an extra copy of your songs (singers) to bring to your audition. If you are using a taped accompaniment, rehearse with it frequently and bring it to campus with you.

Review information you have received about bet36365体育 and the music programs that we offer. Please become familiar with our department on our website and come prepared to ask questions. 在你试镜的前一晚, get plenty of rest so that you are at your peak of physical energy and concentration. Be sure to eat and drink plenty of fluids to give your body the strength it needs to perform.


选择能让你表演舒适的衣服. A neat professional look will make you feel good about yourself and present a positive image to the music faculty.

Be sure to arrive on campus in plenty of time for your theory placement test and audition. 你需要找到美术大楼, 得到解决, 热身, 在大多数情况下, 与伴奏者见面.

花点时间热身,并遵循你的常规动作. 复习你的歌曲、指法、弓弦等的歌词. 记住,你花了很多时间准备这首曲子. 你准备好了!


充满活力和热情地介绍你自己和你的选择. 开始前和伴奏检查一下节奏. 你为了这一刻辛苦了,祝你好运!